Statement regarding IFMAR administration elections held in Japan.

 Equal block representation has not been properly preserved per IFMAR bylaws in recent years. This was a great concern with ROAR, FEMCA and FAMAR. Concerns of leadership and administrative direction has been strongly voiced in recent times by many and change has been called for.

 The newly formed IFMAR board will comprise of the following persons.


  • Sander de Graaf (EFRA)

Newly appointed

  • Eric Anderson (ROAR)
  • Tim Caporal (ROAR
  • Bob Ingersol (ROAR)
  • Clive Silva (FEMCA)

Well done to all of those above for being willing to offer your time, skills and insight into sporting governance and for being elected.

We are excited to see these changes and believe that this opens up greater balance of representation on the IFMAR board and has the potential to bring about significant and much needed change.  RCRA were fully supportive of FEMCA’s request to have Clive Silva be put forward as a candidate and look forward to our voice being heard more directly into the future.

The administration of positions for President, VP, Secretary and Section Chairpersons will be announced once the new board has the opportunity to set members in positions and it is also highly likely they will seek the broader involvement of the RC community to assist with IFMAR administration.